Airfoil Satellite

Airfoil Satellite

Airfoil Satellite allows you to send audio from your Mac or PC to AirPlay-enabled devices effortlessly.

37.83 MB

Airfoil Satellite lets you send audio from different apps, such as iTunes or QuickTime Player, to devices such as Airport Express, Apple TV, iPhone, and other computers on the local network.


The speakers provided by Airfoil Satellite can be used on Mac, Windows, and Linux; as well as on devices such as the iPhone and the iPod Touch. The audio is played in s synchronized fashion on all the devices connected to the network.


The way Airfoil Satellite works is very simple: first, you select which application you want to use as the audio source, then you select which devices will receive the Airfoil Satellite signal. This tool also includes a video player that lets you send the audio from the clip in a similar fashion.